
上師 噶千仁波切依澈贊法王指示,將於美國亞利桑那州時間 2011 年 2 月 2 日上午 8:00 (台灣時間 2 月 2 日晚間 11:00,除夕夜) 接受膽結石移除手術。
籲請各位師兄弟/姐妹從今天開始到仁波切手術當日盡力持誦白度母心咒,並於仁波切手術當日(除夕夜) 為仁波切點一盞燈 (最好七盞),迴向仁波切手術順利以及術後儘速康復。

Hallo liebe Dharmafreunde,
für alle die nicht an bei facebook sind. Es wurde für Garchen Rinpoche folgender Aufruf geposted:
Please join us in reciting as many White Tara mantra as you can this week, and dedicate the merit to our beloved Garchen Rinpoche, as he is getting ready for the surgical procedure to remove gall stones (instruction by HH Chetsang Rinpoche).
The time is Arizona time: 8:00am (Mountain Standard Time (MST) -0700 UTC) on 2 Feb '11, for those who want to know the exact time.
Would like to request everyone to light up a candle (or if you can, 7 candles) for the success of Gar Rinpoche's surgery that time and all os make the joint prayer for our beloved Guru.
Liebe Grüße

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