A Beautiful Garland of Udumbara Flowers
A Prayer to the Previous Incarnations of
Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
Om Svasti!
嗡 薩瓦斯地
Wisdom embodiment of all the buddhas and their bodhisattva heirs,
Sovereign ruler present throughout the whole of space and time,
Spontaneously arisen primal buddha, transcendent conqueror,
Lord and protector Manjughosha, to you I pray!
Powerful master of wisdom, Manjushrimitra,
Vimalamitra, who gained an indestructible vajra form,
Chakrasamvara in person, Vajraghantipa,
And the great pandita Pratiharanandamati,[1] to you I pray!
Dharma-king Tsangpa Lhayi Metok,[2]
And the reincarnation Chokdrub Gyalpo,[3]
Smritijñana,[4] Nyangtön Nyima Özer,[5]
And Chögyal Phakpa,[6] to you I pray!
Crowning jewel of siddhas, Milarepa,
Drikung Rinchen Pal,[7] Drimé Özer,[8]
Medicine Buddha incarnate, Yuthok Yönten Gönpo,[9]
And Sonam Gyaltsen,[10] to you I pray!
Vanaratna,[11] Gö Lotsawa Shyönnu Pal,[12]
Khyenrab Chöjé,[13] great pandita Gendun Drup,[14]
Lord of siddhas, Thangtong Gyalpo,[15]
And Könchok Gyaltsen,[16] to you I pray!
Sakya Lotsawa Jamyang Kunga Sonam,[17]
Ngari Panchen,[18] Nesar Khyentse Wangchuk,[19]
Tashi Tobgyal,[20] Lobzang Gyatsöi De,[21]
And Gyalwa Tsangyang,[22] to you I pray!
Great omniscient one in this troubled age, Jikmé Lingpa,
Lord of siddhas, Yeshe Dorje,[23] no different from
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, receiver of the seven special transmissions,[24]
And Jamyang Lodrö Gyatso,[25] to you I pray!
In this life and in future, until I attain enlightenment,
May I never be separated from you, my precious master,
May I always experience the nectar of your instructions, your secret speech,
And may my own and others’ welfare be accomplished spontaneously!
This was written by Chökyi Lodrö in order to fulfill the request of his devoted disciples.
Translated by Adam
[1] Tib. sgo mtha’ yas pa’i blo gros. According to Jamgön Kongtrul’s biography of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, he was a student of Vasubandhu.
[2] Tsangpa Lhayi Metok is the secret name which King Trisong Deutsen received from Guru Padmasambhava during an empowerment at Samye Chimphu.
[3] Trisong Deutsen’s reincarnation, the son of Mutik Tsenpo, known as Gyalse Lharje, later reborn as a tertön thirteen times. 赤松德贊的轉世,穆提贊波之子,稱為甲瑟拉傑,其後十三世皆投生為伏藏師。
[4] According to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Smritijnana, who travelled to Tibet and China, was praised by the pandita Danashila as unrivalled in the whole of India for his learning and accomplishment. 希利提嘉那曾至西藏和中國,受到班智達答納西拉讚譽為全西藏博學和成就的首要者。
[5] Nyang Ral Nyima Özer (1124-1192). The first of the five sovereign tertöns and a reincarnation of King Trisong Deutsen. Several of his revealed treasures are included in the Rinchen Terdzö, among which the most well known is the Kagye Deshek Düpa and the biography of Guru Rinpoche known as Zanglingma, which has been translated into English by Erik Pema Kunsang. See The Lotus Born: The Life Story of Padmasambhava, Rangjung Yeshe, 2004. 釀惹尼瑪沃瑟,赤松德贊王的轉世之一,為五大伏藏師的第一者。他所取出的伏藏,有不少都收錄於《大寶伏藏》之中,其中最有名的當屬「卡傑德謝堆巴」和稱為《桑林瑪》的蓮師傳記,後者已有英譯版。(中文版於2009年由橡樹林出版。)
[6] 1235-80, the nephew of Sakya Pandita. 卻甲八思巴為薩迦班智達的姪輩。
[7] Drikung Kyobpa Rinchen Pal, who was praised as an emanation of Nagarjuna. 直貢求巴仁欽巴被尊為龍樹菩薩的化身。
[8] Longchen Rabjam, aka Drimé Özer (1308-1363). 止美沃瑟即是龍欽冉江(龍欽巴,龍欽饒絳)
[9] A master physician who compiled the four medical tantras (rgyud bzhi). There were in fact two masters by this name, both associated with the transmission of the medical tantras, the earlier one lived in the eighth and ninth centuries and the later during the twelfth. 雲登貢波為大醫師,彙整了四部醫藥續法。事實上有兩位大師都以此為名,皆與醫藥續法的傳承有關,較為早期的大師生卒於八九世紀,較為後期的則於十二世紀。
[10] Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen (1312-1375), the fifteenth patriarch of Sakya. 喇嘛當巴索南嘉晨,薩迦派第十五位祖師。
[11] Vanaratna (Tib. nags kyi rin chen; 1384-1468) was an important master in the Kalachakra lineage. Originally from Bengal, he was one of the last great Indian scholars to visit Tibet. In fact, according to The Blue Annals, he was referred to as ‘the last pandita.’ 伐那惹那為時輪金剛傳承的重要上師。他出身孟加拉,為最後一批到訪西藏的印度大學者之一。事實上,依據《藍色年鑒》,他被視為「最後的班智達」
[12] ‘gos lo tsa ba gzhon nu dpal, 1392-1481. He studied with more than sixty of the greatest masters of his day, including Je Tsongkhapa and the great pandita Vanaratna, and composed ten volumes of writings, the most famous of his works being the celebrated Blue Annals. 譯師玄努貝師事於當時六十多位最偉大的上師,其中包括宗喀巴大師和大班智達伐那惹那,著作共有十函,最為著名的即是有名的《藍色年鑒》。
[13] Rin chen mkhyen rab mchog grub仁欽謙惹秋竹 (1436-1497) from Zhva lu monastery. 千拉卻傑,來自爪魯寺。
[14] The first Dalai Lama. 根敦朱,第一世達賴喇嘛。
[15] 1361-1485. 唐東嘉波
[16] Mus chen dkon mchog rgyal mtshan (1388-1469), who is best known for compiling, along with his teacher Shyönnu Gyalchok, the blo sbyong brgya rtsa ma, which was recently translated by Geshe Thupten Jinpa as part of the Library of Tibetan Classics series. See Mind Training: The Great Collection, Boston: Wisdom, 2006. 袞秋嘉晨,因與其上師宣努嘉秋共同撰寫blo sbyong brgya rtsa ma而著稱,該著作已有英譯版。
[17] 'jam dbyangs kun dga' bsod nams grags pa rgyal mtshan (1485-1533), aka Sakya Lotsawa Jampé Dorje. 即是薩迦譯師蔣貝多傑。
[18] Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal (1487-1542), one of the greatest scholars of the Nyingma school, famous for his Ascertainment of the Three Sets of Vows (sdom gsum rnam nges). See Perfect Conduct, Dudjom Rinpoche, Boston: Wisdom, 1996. 阿利邦禪貝瑪汪甲,寧瑪派最偉大的學者之一,因撰寫sdom gsum rnam nges而著稱。
[19] Nesar Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk (1524-68), an important holder of the lam ‘bras slob bshad transmission. 涅薩蔣揚欽哲旺秋,lam ‘bras slob bshad傳承的重要持有者。
[20] (1550?-1602/3) A great master of the Northern Treasures (byang gter) tradition. 札西托甲,北伏藏傳承的大師之一。
[21] The Great Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso (1617-1682). 阿望洛桑嘉措,偉大的第五世達賴喇嘛。
[22] Sixth Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyatso (1683-1706/46). 第六世達賴喇嘛嘉華倉央嘉措。
[23] Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (1800-1866).兜欽哲依喜多傑。
[24] See the biography of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo by Alak Zenkar Rinpoche. 見於阿拉增卡仁波切所寫的蔣揚欽哲旺波傳記。
[25] Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö himself. 蔣揚欽哲卻吉羅卓自身。
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