
『即使是偉大的國王和將領們,也曾將他們的俗世野心放在一旁,而以護持佛法為要。這是欽哲基金會所想要追隨的腳步。』~ 宗薩欽哲仁波切


* 照片和原文出自欽哲基金會網頁




Dear Friends 朋友們,


I am pleased to advise you of the details for registering for the Dharmapala Puja to be presided over by Dzongar Khyentse Rinpoche on the dates and at the time and venue given below:



Dates 日期 :  Tuesday 1 July - Saturday 5 July 2008

                      二零 零八年七月一日 (星期二) 至七月五日(星期六)


Time 時間  :  8:30 am to 6:30 pm



Venue 場地 :  The Southorn Stadium, the Hong Kong Playground Association,

                      1/F, 111 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

                      修頓場館, 香港遊樂場協會,  香港 灣仔莊士頓道 一百一十一 .


2. Rinpoche has recently decided to name this puja as Dharmapala Puja in place of the one I circulated earlier. This puja is admission free.  While we would encourage participants to attend all five days of the Puja, yet if there are circumstances that might prevent you from your full attendance, you might decide on what attendance arrangements would suit you best during the five days.



3. To register for the puja, please reply to this e-mail ( with the following details

要報名参加薈供,請回覆此電郵 (並提供下列詳情:

       Your Name 您的姓名:



       Your E-mail Address您的電郵地址:



       Your Preferred Date(s) of Attendance (NO NEED to complete this if you can attend all 5 days)  您選擇参加的日子 (如能参加全五天此處不用填寫)



4.  If you are registering for your friend(s), please kindly confirm with your friend(s) first to avoid double registration and provide your friends' details as per para. 3 above.

如要替您的朋友()報名,敬請先和您的友人() 確認以避免重覆報名,及按上列第三段提供您友人()的資料。


5.  Registration for the Puja will be closed one week before the commencement date of the Puja or when the registration reaches full house. Please kindly note that there will NOT be any acknowledgement of your e-mail registration to save on manpower.



6.  More information on the Puja will be circulated later.  Information on the Puja will be posted later on Siddhartha's Intent Interantional web site at更多有關薈供的資訊將於稍後通知。薈供的詳情稍後將上載於國際悉達多本願會的網站內。





Rosalina Ho 何慧冰  敬上

for Siddhartha's Intent Ltd., Hong Kong 香港悉達多本願會





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